One Is Enough
Something amazing happened recently that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere. Over three days last week there were a total of SIX 1-0 games: two on August 12, two more in the 13th, and two more on the 14th. To put that in perspective, consider:
Only once since 1991 has there been as many as four 1-0 games in a three-day period, with at least one on each day.
Now that's improbable!
Extra Esoterica:
- There is only one other three-day span in the last 40 years with more than five 1-0 games: August 8-10, 1968, when there were seven. That's easy to imagine for The Year of the Pitcher, but unbelievable in this hitters' era!
- Just having two or more 1-0 games on the same day has never been a common occurrence. From 1993-2001, no season had more than three!
Days with Multiple 1-0 games
1965 4 1975 2 1985 5 1995 2
1966 6 1976 13 1986 1 1996 1
1967 6 1977 2 1987 3 1997 1
1968 15 1978 5 1988 9 1998 2
1969 6 1979 4 1989 6 1999 2
1970 2 1980 6 1990 4 2000 3
1971 14 1981 1 1991 6 2001 3
1972 14 1982 1 1992 5 2002 4
1973 10 1983 3 1993 3 2003 1
1974 11 1984 5 1994 1 2004 4
Extra Esoterica:
- There were four 1-0 games on September 2, 2001, the most on any one day in the past 30 years. Those four accounted for 11% of the season's 36 1-0 games!
- There were 1-0 games on nine consecutive days (and 11 of 12) in May of 1968.
- There was exactly one 1-0 game on eight consecutive days from April 24 to May 1, 1989 (and on 10 of 11 days from April 21 to May 1).
1-0 Games: 1965-2004

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